
Showing posts from July, 2014

How to Succeed After Fifty

Succeeding in life, relationships or a career at any age requires determination and endurance. But what if after 30 odd years of making it happen everything comes to a crashing halt? Perhaps you've been laid off, or maybe you took early retirement because you've given all that you could to one career. What if the dedication you've demonstrated all your life needs another outlet? You wonder though, if it's possible to succeed after 50. By employing different strategies and a patient attitude, success is possible at any age. Instructions Buy a journal. Your brand new adventure needs some serious planning and cracking open a fresh journal filled with blank pages is a symbolic act. Carry it with you during the day, to jot down ideas or use your mobile device to capture your thoughts and transfer them to your journal when you get home. Having a great idea on the fly is only useful if you remember it later. Indulge in a session of free association writing. Focus on how

The Best Second Career Jobs

According to U.S. News & World Report, as many as 8.4 million Americans between the ages of 44 and 70 have already began second careers and half of those surveyed admit to contemplating the idea of a second career. Choosing a second career should be more than just about what you're interested in, it should also include a good retirement plan and ideally, a better income. Beyond the retirement and the income, second career choices are often more about finding work that is fulfilling. Healthcare Healthcare is a field that is always growing and developing and there is always a need for more healthcare workers, so this is an excellent career choice the second time around. Healthcare fields typically pay well and offer excellent benefits. It can also be a rewarding career path that includes helping patients, as well as learning important and helpful information that can be used for you personally. Education U.S. News & World Report states that education careers, particul

How to Find a Job When You're Old

Though it seems jobs become scarce as your age climbs, it is not impossible to find one. Finding a job when you're aging is a daunting task. Increase your odds by polishing your technical skills to show a potential employer that you are not behind the times but ready to get started right away. Focus on showcasing your ability to get the job done effectively and your past experiences, not your age. Form a strategic plan of action and move forward. Show the employer you are the right person for the job. Instructions Research the job market. Look for jobs that pertain to skills that you already possess. Brush up your technical skills. Be sure that you can not only do the job but also keep up with fast growing trends. Polish your resume to focus on your skills and job performing abilities. Give examples and time lines of any skills that you poses, pertaining to the job for which you are applying. Examples include the use of Microsoft Word and Excel to balance and track monthly b

What Kinds of Jobs Are Available to Those Over the Age of 50 Years?

Judging from what you see in the paper and all over the web, it can seem like searching for jobs is an activity, even a privilege limited to recent college grads and young thirty-somethings. However, there is a plethora of reasons to look for a job when you're more mature. While you may not have the same physical abilities of your younger competition, your experience and years of accumulated wisdom can more than make up for it. Teaching Positions Your skills and professional knowledge could be in high demand. While public school positions usually require a M.Ed., Teach for America and similar city-based "non-traditional teacher training" programs offer the opportunity to gain this credential while working. Although many people join these programs directly from college, more mature people are encouraged to apply. Meanwhile, if you do not want to work with children, you may qualify to be an adjunct professor at a local college or university, or you could find a firm hir

Business Casual Clothing for a Middle-Aged Woman

Business casual for a middle-aged woman should focus on classic styles in neutral colors. While 20-somethings may look "cute" in slightly inappropriate clothing, older women are often in positions of responsibility and expected to set good examples of professionalism for their younger colleagues. Also, despite the advances of feminism over the past several decades, people notice and judge women's clothing more than they notice and judge man's clothing, as distinguished sociolinguist Deborah Tannen has pointed out in her classic essay "Marked Women, Unmarked Men." Fabrics Business casual is defined by fabrics. Rather than silk blouses and wool skirts or trousers, business casual can include cottons and microfibers. Comfortable khaki or twill trousers or skirts make good bottom layers. Cotton knits, smooth cotton or any other matte opaque fabrics are appropriate for shirts or blouses. Avoid denim unless your office is very casual, and save transparent, gli

How to Become a Female Model Over 50-Years-Old

Modeling often brings to mind tall, gorgeous women strutting down the catwalks of Milan and Paris; but such scenes form only a small part of the modeling industry. The truth is, there are numerous modeling opportunities for women over 50. With immense numbers of baby boomers approaching and well-past this age, there is a growing market for products that cater to them, and this has led to an increased demand for models of similar ages to promote those products. Instructions Do some self-analysis. Ask yourself whether you are comfortable with being in front of a camera and meeting new people. Think about whether you're up for the challenge of accepting honest criticism from strangers about your appearance. You'll need confidence to work as a model, regardless of your age. Take some pictures of yourself. You should have a closeup of your face and a full length shot of your entire body. Make sure you smile genuinely. Dress conservatively, without too much makeup. Have a frien