
Showing posts with the label What Kinds of Jobs Are Available to Those Over the Age of 50 Years?

What Kinds of Jobs Are Available to Those Over the Age of 50 Years?

Judging from what you see in the paper and all over the web, it can seem like searching for jobs is an activity, even a privilege limited to recent college grads and young thirty-somethings. However, there is a plethora of reasons to look for a job when you're more mature. While you may not have the same physical abilities of your younger competition, your experience and years of accumulated wisdom can more than make up for it. Teaching Positions Your skills and professional knowledge could be in high demand. While public school positions usually require a M.Ed., Teach for America and similar city-based "non-traditional teacher training" programs offer the opportunity to gain this credential while working. Although many people join these programs directly from college, more mature people are encouraged to apply. Meanwhile, if you do not want to work with children, you may qualify to be an adjunct professor at a local college or university, or you could find a firm hir